Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Back in the D

I'm killing time this morning so I can get to the polls right when they open at 7. Usually I'm at the office before 7, so this seems very strange to me. I sure hope the large turnout they are predicting comes true. In Detroit today, they are expecting one of those freakishly fabulous 70-degree November days so I bet there are long lines. Awesome! No secret who is getting my vote. Gobama!!!

It feels weird to be home and back at work. My heart and mind are in Sao Paulo. Life is tough for Dan and the kids there (especially with the language barrier) but they seem to be sludging through it all well. I do know that when I get there for good, I will be a help to them so I can't wait for the next few months to fly by. I turned in all my paperwork (and passport) yesterday for my two-year Visa. Hopefully, it will get back in time so I can go visit at Thanksgiving. They said it takes 15 working days and my flight is November 21. I give it about a 50/50 chance. Brazilian time is not fast. Say a prayer!

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Gobama! I was able to do a mail in ballot this year. It was great! Gave me time to study all of the amendments and candidates.

We're expecting a snow storm this afternoon/tonight but it shouldn't affect the polls.