Thursday, June 10, 2010

Departing the SP

Jackson, Java and I are getting ready to end our chapter as Sao Paulo residents. Tomorrow, all five of us are headed to Detroit to start our new truly goofy life as a split family. Ro is going to stay in Detroit until the end of June and then come back at the end of July. Hannah is going to hang in Detroit until the first week of August and then I'm going to bring her back to Sao Paulo to start school (so Ro can go salmon fishing!). I will be back at work full-time and Jackson starts CCS in the Fall. Our schedules are going to be whacked!

We are so looking forward to being back in our house again.

I can't thank all of my new found friends in SP enough for the hospitality you've shown all of us. We've had a blast. Keep an eye on Ro and Hannah, eh?

Tchau! Ate logo.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

He's A Graduate!

Thought I would post a few quick photos for the Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles and friends. Believe it or not, Jackson is now a GRADUATE!!! More details and photos to come later. We're off to a big party tonight.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Go Tigers!

I sent this photo (finally) today to the Free Press. They have a feature where they run travel photos of Detroiters wearing the Old English D in the Sunday travel section. How could they resist Hannah and Taylor at Versailles? Because you're my blog friend, you get to see it first!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Post Prom

Jackson and Hannah went to the post prom gathering on Saturday night. They sure clean up well.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Winding it Up

Brazilians don't do proms. The whole idea is quite funny to them. I spent 20 minutes explaining to the building receptionist what the concept entailed and why my son was wearing a tux. Jackson had to walk a florist through what a corsage was and how to make it.

Jackson and his girlfriend, Rachel, looked amazing last night. She's such a pretty girl. One of his classmates invited all the senior parents and kids over to a pre-prom party at their house so everybody could see all the kids dressed up. (Not sure if the kids liked having their parents around...but too bad!) Cameras were everywhere. The kids looked great but I was just in awe of this house and their hospitality. So beautiful! Dan had to keep reminding me to not be so nosey. The prom theme was a masquerade so that is why some of the kids have masks on in the photos. We had to leave when the kids left for the prom but I could have stayed there all night. Ro and I went out for dinner just the two of us. (Hannah spent the night with six of her girlfriends.) It was almost like it was our prom night again....only 30 years later.

Hannah and Jackson are going to a post-prom party tonight. From what I understand, tonight is the real party for all the high schoolers. It doesn't start until 11. We hired the kids a driver!

Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, but Jackson was recognized Thursday night as the David Tully award winner at his athletics banquet. The award recognizes the epitome of teamwork, fitness, leadership and sportsmanship. So cool. I have since learned that David Tully was the Graded principal about five years back. He was a fitness fanatic and a big supporter of athletics at the school. He got cancer but somehow found the strength to make it to the Big 8 sports tournament to cheer the Graded teams on the week before he passed away. Sounds like an amazing man. We were teasing Jackson that when he comes back to Brazil next year, he can't pack on the "Freshman 15" pounds at college. The award is all about his commitment to fitness after all.

Hannah was at the athletics awards too with her volleyball and basketball teams but the night was mostly about seniors. They are really looking for her to step up once all these kids move on. She's ready!

I am leaving tomorrow for a quick trip to Los Angeles for work. I was supposed to go, then it got canceled and now it is back on again. Oi vey. I land back in Brazil Friday morning in time for the Senior Awards ceremony that night and graduation on Saturday. Cross your fingers all the flights work because I'm cutting it tight!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Tres Bien!

I know we're supposed to be all about Brazil and South America but when Patrice and Taylor mentioned they wanted to celebrate 16th birthdays in Paris, Hannah and I were all about it! We left Sao Paulo for Paris last Saturday and spent six great days in the City of Lights.

Patrice found a hotel near the Opera House and it was a perfect headquarters for all the fun. Man, there is a lot to see and do in Paris. I feel like we hardly put a dent in it. I have been there three times for work but I never really have had a chance to play tourist. We tried to see as much as possible, with gusto...Notre Dame, Louvre, Pompidou Center for Modern Art, bike excursion, boat tour, hands on bakery visit, Montmarte, Eiffel Tower, Sacre Couer,Versailles and the Champs Elysees. The Metro sure is an easy way to get around. In between each stop, we put quite a dent into the credit cards of our two families. The stores are amazing.

We were definitely tourists....a snobby French waiter said my choice of chardonnay was "ordinary," we trekked up to this recommended restaurant from our bike tour guide only to find it closed and we tried to go to a Third Eye Blind concert and the show was canceled. Oh well. C'est la vie!

I think my favorite thing was the bike tour we did the first day. We spent about five hours on the bikes and rode through a lot of side streets. It was a group of about 10 people so we really learned a lot. (I took my sling off that day and used a bike with pedal brakes and the dislocated shoulder survived just fine!)

Fun fact: Did you know there are five kilos of butter in every batch of croissants?

As a sleepy Patrice said on the last morning when Hannah and I left the hotel to catch our plane, "We'll always have Paris."

Friday, April 30, 2010

Journeys, Art and the ER

I dislocated my shoulder while running on the trail this week so it hurts like the dickens to type and is very slow because I only use one hand. My right arm is in a sling for three weeks. So here's a quick miscellaneous update from our world and a bunch of photos.

*Ro is out right now on an overnight fishing outing with the guys from work. They fish all night in the dark. We'll see what the catch is in the morning. I bet he catches a hangover.

*Jackson chose College for Creative Studies in Detroit for school. When it came down to decision time, he decided he liked drawing cars. If cars are your passion, you belong at CCS. He's hoping to get into the new Taubman Center dorms. Graduation day here is May 29.

*Jackson had his senior art show at school. There are some photos here of his display. Hannah had some pictures showcased too. They both did a great job.

*Hannah sprained the ligaments around her ankle at the Big Four volleyball tournament. She has her foot in an air cast. I love that the doctors here in Sao Paulo send you a CD with your x-rays on it. That is Hannah's foot below.

*Jackson had a blast playing softball at Big Four. He was the MVP for his team and has a big medal to prove it. Graded boy's softball also took first place.

*Hannah and I are joining up with Taylor and Patrice tomorrow in Paris. Woo hoo! We are treating the girls to the trip (OK, us too!) as a 16th birthday present. Can't wait to chill. We are going to look like refugees getting off the plane. Hannah is going to be limping and I have a wounded wing. Bet we still have a great time!

*We depart Brazil on June 10. Hello Detroit! I am going to be sad I think. Sao Paulo has been a blast. Ro and Hannah will still be here for two more years so I have quite a few more trips to look forward to in my future...but this will be the end of the residency for Jackson and I.


Friday, April 16, 2010

My Mohawk Man

I'm in the US at my desk and I just pulled up the Web site from the sports tournament where the kids are playing. Look who I found!! Looks like my son is sporting a mohawk. Time for me to get back home! I leave tonight.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Meriva on the Move

In Brazil, they don't stop you for speeding. There are computerized cameras on the roads that just take your photo as you cruise through a specially marked zone at the wrong speed. You don't even know. They simply mail you a ticket. No hassling, no long just pay. Ro came home smiling last night with a special letter with a photo of my red Meriva.

I got a ticket for going 103 in an 80 while Hannah and I went to Poços de Caldas a few weeks back. It sounds faster than it is because that is kilometers per hour, not miles. (Conversion is about 65 in a 50 mph zone.) To me, that ticket is like a badge of honor. In Michigan, I had major trouble with speeding tickets and had to pay exorbitant insurance rates and actually go to traffic school to keep my license. To get one here just tells me I've settled in!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Cod?

A couple people this week have asked me what we're doing for Easter this year. I can tell you one thing for sure...we're not eating that salty cod! Just like ham is the traditional Easter dish in the US, Brazilians eat bacalhau, a salty codfish. They cook it with coconut milk or wine. I've tried it on a couple buffets and it just doesn't do it for me. For Easter, it is sold in all the stores here and most of the time it is displayed without any sort of refrigeration or ice. No thank you.

Thankfully, Brazilians do understand the importance of chocolate. All the stores are lined overhead with these beautiful large chocolate eggs covered in foil. Most of the eggs are hollow and have a small toy inside.

Jackson has a baseball tournament all weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) so our holiday will be pretty low key. Also, I leave for Detroit for two weeks Sunday night so maybe my Mom will take pity on me (please, please) and set aside some Easter leftovers for consumption on Monday.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

June 27--Graduation Party

All signs are pointing toward Jackson joining the Class of 2010 as a high school graduate of Escola Graduada De Sao Paulo on May 29. Yea! I am so proud of him. We're planning a graduation party at our house in Indian Village on Sunday, June 27. I will get invites out soon but mark the date on your calendars now. We still don't have our flights booked home yet but it looks like we'll be leaving Sao Paulo sometime shortly after school lets out on June 10. Hannah is going to stay in Detroit all summer. She is really looking forward to spending some time with her friends. Ro will be able to spend a few weeks in the D helping us get settled back into the house before he goes back to Sao Paulo.

It is still hard to believe that this little guy in glasses is going to college in the Fall!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Sorry I have been a failure at blog postings the past few weeks. We had our fabulous neighbors--Sean and Amber--from Detroit visit, Hannah went to Angra for her Model United Nations gig, Jackson organized a run at school to raise money for Habitat for Humanity, I ran a 10K and Ro tried to keep sense of it all. We even had St. Patrick's Day thrown in there for good measure. (We had fun, but Brazilians don't get this holiday!) So we have been all about DOING.

One of the highlights for Sean and Jackson was the discovery of a cool skate park in Sao Bernardo. Jackson's skateboard skill has been accrued mostly riding up and down our flat street in Detroit. This was a real challenge but he did great. Sean is more of a veteran but he was dealing with all new skate gear that he bought here. My photos don't do it justice (Jackson is in the middle of the photo) but they lived to see a new day.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Hannah and I (the guys were at baseball) got up early yesterday and followed our friends Richard, Leslie, Thana and Silva up into the mountains to a great little town, Poços de Caldas.

It took about 3.5 hours (in some heavy rain) to get there but it was worth it. We visited several glass showrooms and watched the artists working at the first place, Cristais ca Doro. The prices were extremely affordable. We all left with many packages. My favorite line was when Richard asked Leslie, "Where are we going to put all this glass?" and she replied, "You're just going to have to buy me a big house." I think we're all looking forward to the day when we don't have to live in apartments any more.

Our friends spent the night in the town at the greatest throwback hotel. Big chandeliers, high ceilings and a hot springs pool with Roman columns. It looked gorgeous. We didn't stay because Hannah had plans with her friends Saturday night...a very important Harry Potter marathon, all six movies in one night!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Model United Nations

Hannah's Model United Nations Club has a competition March 17-21 in Angra, Brazil. They are going to leave school in the morning and then ride a bus for about seven hours to get there. It will be three hard days of resolutions and discovering ways to solve all the world's problems. Good educational trip. I get that. So I signed the permission slip.

So today, I get the link to the hotel where they're staying. Holy crap! Check this place out. (There is a button at the top left for English.) It's a fabulous resort. I want to go! Now she tells me...oh ya, we get a three hour lunch break everyday so we can go to the beach. In my next life, I want to come back as Hannah Robar.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Goofy Dog

Poor Hannah! Last night, she was trying to watch the USA v. Canada hockey game and do her homework at the same time. Java kept jumping on the couch and pushing against her back in an attempt to get some attention. It was hilarious. Java certainly thinks she is human.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Art Loft

While I was out of the country last week, Ro found time to buy a new potter's wheel. Our patio now has a weaving loom, a potter's wheel and a drafting table with Jackson's stuff on it. If we add underwater basket weaving, we can open up a mental health unit right here on the 14th floor.

Ro sure seems happy with the new addition. I think he'll be able to survive the next few years here now. The Graded art teacher gave him the name of a place where he can fire his work.

Jackson got accepted to the College for Creative Studies this week. He was pretty pumped that all three of his choices said yes. Now he has to make a decision.

Hannah is doing well. She is in the midst of picking classes for her junior and senior year. She is trying to work in another language (Spanish) but I don't know if her schedule will be able to handle it. They sure push the kids here.

This is my latest weaving project. The silk/cashmere yarn is so soft but I wish the water lilies pattern popped a little more. Maybe it will be more prominent after I wash it. I always stink at picking the right colors. (Makes me miss my Saturday weaving friends!) I am trying to get this off the loom so I can put my Weaving Olympics project on before the Olympics end this weekend. I am the international entry after all. My CCS friends and I are all doing the same piece with different yarns and then dipping them in indigo dye. Should be interesting. Luckily, I'm not back in the US again until April 5 so I get to count the Special Olympics too!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jackson's New Home??

I am finally back in Sao Paulo after two wild weeks in the States. The first order of business was five exhausting days at the National Automobile Dealers Association conference in Orlando for work. Once I finished up with that, Jackson met me in Orlando and we ventured North to Savannah to check out Savannah College of Art & Design.

He's already been accepted there but since Jackson had never seen it, we thought it best to take the "official" tour, see the dorms and get some questions answered. What an amazing place! SCAD has engulfed many historic buildings in the city and turned them into incredible examples of historic preservation by adapting the structures to the school's needs. Seventy-two buildings sprinkled throughout the town make up the campus. There are classes in old train stations, churches, synagogues, even a former coffin factory. There was a whole building devoted to fibers/weaving. (I made Jackson go look at it.) Once you get past marveling at the architecture, you really start to appreciate the sophistication and high levels of technology that SCAD has incorporated into every curriculum. In short, we were impressed.

The city has all these beautiful squares and trees and funky restaurants. Very cool.

Jackson has submitted his portfolio for scholarship consideration. We should hear back in a few weeks. SCAD is a very expensive school so we have our fingers crossed that they come up with some money.

It was nice to spend some time with Jackson. We got his eyes checked, glasses made, hair cut and did some serious shopping during this whirlwind trip. He was looking for these certain bats so I think we visited every baseball store between Orlando and Savannah with no luck. (We are going to order them online and have our neighbors Sean and Amber bring them when they visit in March.) One of my bestest high school buddies, Tracey Strachan, lives in Jacksonville so we had a great dinner with her husband, David and her son, Camden. All in all, it was a fun and productive trip.