Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Random Observations

With just a few days here in Sao Paulo, here are some of my first observations:

1. Someone calls me everyday at 9 a.m. and asks me a question in Portuguese. I have no clue what they want yet they call everyday.
2. The roaches (in the street, not in the apartment) are HUGE. Hope they stay outside.
3. I love listening to WDET on the computer.
4. Java is mighty freaked out at the sight of the peacocks that roam our complex.
5. Driving should be interesting but it is time I did it. Maybe this weekend.
6. Sao Paulo students (not the international school that Hannah and Jackson attend) only go half days because of the number of people.
7. There are A LOT of maids that arrive everyday at 8 a.m.
8. Working without makeup while wearing shorts and flip flops is the bomb.
9. The rainstorms here are fierce and brief.
10. I am looking forward to going to Carnival at the end of the month. Ro is getting tickets for us to the Sao Paulo celebration. Schools are closed for a week and Ro has time off. Unbelievable.


Corinne said...

1. Respond by asking the caller a question in English every day.

4. Are the pecocks inside or outside? Take a picture! They're gorgeous birds.

5. Procrastinator!

6. Are Hannah and Jackson jealous?

7. Does one come to your house?

8. I'm jealous.

10. I'm even more jealous!!! :)

Colleen said...

4. Peacocks are definitely outside roaming around. I'll get a snap.

6. Not really. They love their school.

7. I wish!