Sunday, May 31, 2009

Running....and then lots of eating!

I ran the 5K Race for the Cure yesterday. The event had 30,000 people!! So cool. After the race, a whole crew of us went out for breakfast and ate all the calories (and probably more!) that we just ran off. Such fun. I do so love and miss my friends. I took this photo for Hannah of her pals Rosemary, TJ and Ella.

After the breakfast fest, I stopped by church and paid my respects to one of St. Charles finest, Terrence Dearing, who died on Monday. Such a nice man. I just chatted with him last Sunday at church. RIP Terry.

While I was in the D, I made sure Ro's pond in the Village was fully operational with filter, plants and fish. It was really peaceful working outside yesterday afternoon. I got it all hooked up. Our next-door neighbor is on the Home Tour next Saturday so I wanted to make sure it was all set for Stan. My Mom and I are going to be docents at the house. It will be a great way to say hi to a bunch of the neighbors all at once!

Tim and my Mom and Dad went out for dinner last night to celebrate my Mom's birthday earlier in the week. Look at this dessert! This picture of my Dad cracks me up.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Holy COW! Where did you go for dinner where they had a piece of ice cream pie like that? Applebees?