Tuesday, April 08, 2008

How do you reach a 16 year old?

Ugh....my fabulous son who is so good in so many ways is becoming a flake about school. He is missing assignments and getting weak grades on tests. All of this at the same time he tells you to your face that he wants to buckle down so he can go to West Point! I've never seen Ro so angry and disappointed. Do you take away things like girlfriends, baseball and drill team that he loves?....or do you ignore it and let him mistakes?...or do you lock him in the Grosse Pointe Library everynight for a few hours with only his books?


Corinne said...

I think boys go in cycles when it comes to their school work. Buckle down on him, not in a noose-like-manner, but make something unattainable for the time being until he proves to you he's getting back on track.

I had that problem last semester with Sam. Yesterday he took an advanced ap test. He touched 89% when 80% was at the top end. Next year, two ap classes and early graduation.

We're the parents and they damn well better do as we say!!!! I'm kidding... but the guidance/leadership/example is there for a reason.

You and Ro didn't get to where you were with shitty grades.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it :)

Nanimal said...

Oh, wow parenting is so hard and it stays herd, eh? hiddong... I know it stays hard. YOu are one of the most bad ass Moms I know, I bet he turns it around. I would be worried there is something else going on there somewhere, socially.