Sunday, September 23, 2007


OK, I weaved yesterday. I'm going to go for a run in a few minutes. I think I finally have my life back.

Over the last month, I've opened an ice cream store, handled a marketing campaign launch for Ford, traveled to Miami for a press event, helped the kids get ready for the new school year, dealt with a myriad of bridge issues, threw a two-day Crain executive meeting and placed 900 people in 55 houses for the Crain House Party. Oh, and did I mention that I decided to shut my company and take a real job. I also debated between three job options during the last month and finally took the leap and decided to rejoin Crain as director of corporate communications.

It has been a wild August/September. I've been up late, waking up early and essentially going nuts. Talk about stress.

Here's to the changes Fall brings! I even got the computer running again yesterday. That's a sure sign that things are going to work out great.

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