Today, all the Graded High School seniors carried out their ritualistic scalping of my son. There is a weird tradition at the school whenever a senior gets accepted into college, the other kids shave their head (badly). Jackson found out last night that he got accepted (and even got a bit of an academic scholarship) to SCAD, Savannah College of Art & Design. Jackson is pretty geeked about this choice because they have industrial design, a baseball team and a ROTC program. Once he submits his portfolio to SCAD at the end of this year, he will be eligible for art scholarships too. He has applied to two other universities: College for Creative Studies and Wayne State University in Detroit. Still waiting to hear from them. Sure hope Jackson doesn't get scalped again. He's in the bathroom now trying to fix it. Good luck dude.
My Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow morning for 10 days. I'm so looking forward to their visit. We are going to take a few days next week and go to Iguassu Falls on the Brazil/Argentina border. It is supposed to be beautiful.
HAIR UPDATE: It's gone! Jackson came out of the bathroom with a dull razor and smelling like shaving cream.
Congrats on Savannah, Jackson. One of my buddies at Vocon went there and liked it alot.
Nice tree too. Ours started out pretty shapely, but has now morphed down into a giant green cotton ball with lights. Uh oh...it might have to be a POST!
Take care everyone.
oh.my. that is going to be a grand memory for him. and how exciting for him! congrats!
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