We had been to Rio with the Santoscoys in August and stayed at a great beach house and did the tourist thing then so this was our chance to just hang and soak up the city. We stayed at an OK hotel in Copacabana a few blocks off the water. Copacabana was a great area for early morning runs among the beautiful people (and a whole lot of ugly ones too!) They were setting up for the big New Year's celebration. Brazilians all go to the beach dressed in white and watch huge fireworks that are shot from barges in the water. At midnight, the party moves into the ocean. Copacabana Beach is the largest celebration in all of Brazil. The stages were mammoth.
But we left before the madness (and astronomical hotel rates!) started. Instead we beached, went to an art fair, shopped at a local mall and toured the botanical gardens. Much fun! The guys joined us the last day for a tour of the Neimeyer Contemporary Art Museum in Niteroi. Such a funky building.
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