Hannah and Jackson seem to have adjusted really well to school. Graded is an amazing place. Class sizes are small and the work seems really interesting. Jackson is loving the art. Ro gave a talk to the IB art students the other day about clay modeling and Jackson prepped some clay for the "show and tell" part. (They used my Crock Pot to warm up the clay. I'm glad it is being used for something.) Hannah has done a million things in her English class with the book, "Secret Life of Bees." Last night, she was finishing up a poster on the importance of family. They have no school next week due to Carnival. We're going on Saturday night so my photos should get more interesting by the weekend.
Java is good too! She's as busy as always.
Just curious on how Java is adapting to the new country?
Do you think she is ok with the complete change in eviroments?
Have you taken her to the park near your house? Is it dog friendly?
Please forgive me for all the dog questions, but we are very anxious about bringing our dog to Sao Paulo with all the changes he will face.
We live in a small New England town in a house with a huge fenced in backyard by the beach and we take our dog to the beach every day and in Sao Paulo we are moving to a high rise apartment near Avenida Paulista, so there will be a drastic change for our poor little dog.
Hope you guys are enjoying Sao Paulo.
Java is doing OK. I know that photo looks odd. She was taking a nap on the couch (her favorite place) when I snapped the photo. She definitely misses the freedom of our backyard in Detroit...and her boyfriend black Lab next door. :) I take her for a good walk every morning and my husband takes her out at night onto the tennis courts and throws the ball so she can run. It is a drastic change. The heat bothers her sometimes and she is shedding. She drinks a ton of water. Dogs are amazing though. She seems very happy.
The park closest to our house (Burle Marx) doesn't allow dogs but I have heard there are several pet-friendly parks nearby.
When do you move? Good luck with all your planning. You'll like Sao Paulo.
Thanks for the update on Java.
I think we will be ok, your experience gives us some encouragement, the only thing that still worries me a little is the actual long plane ride, depending what time of the year we travel, temperatures here and in Sao Paulo etc...
I work for Citibank and we still don't have a firm date for moving down to Sao Paulo, as to the latest rumors, we might be working for the government before the end of the year.
Decisions like these move at a slow pace in big companies such as Citi. ( our experience ).
We just spoke with some friends who told us Ibirapuera Park is very dog friendly and it is also a great place to have fun, most of the park is fenced, so the dogs can't run into the streets.
We will keep in touch and let you know when we are ready to move down.
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