Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good News/Bad News

Good News: Daylight savings time ended last night in Sao Paulo so there is only two hours time difference between the D and SP.

Bad News: Ro forgot about it and woke up at 6 a.m. today to take Jackson to baseball, rather than 7.

Good News: He made waffles with his extra time!

Bad News: I'll have to run extra to work off the waffles.

Good News: I found a great park for running. It is called Parque Burle Marx and it is located one giant hill away from the apartment complex. Really nice trails through the woods and over a few streams.

Bad News: Somebody at dinner last night told me to watch out for the monkeys in the trees in that park. Monkeys?! I'll have to pay more attention.

Good News: We went for a fun Valentines Dinner last night with a bunch of the GM crowd to an Italian restaurant called Tomatto. Really nice people. We took a taxi so we could have a few beers.

Bad News: No drinking and driving here. They have breathalyzer lanes all over the place.

Good News: I feel like I know my way around well enough now to venture out in the car (sober of course).

Bad News: I can't get the car out of the garage! Our second remote control to the apartment complex garage gate is broken. So far, we've bought two of the wrong ones. So frustrating.

Good News: We are going to go the Mall AGAIN today and buy yet another remote at the electronics store and then ask the apartment maintenance staff to program it for us.

Bad News: It will probably be the wrong one again. Boy, I need to get better at Portuguese.

Good News: I'm one week into lessons with my new teacher, Regina. I have classes in the apartment on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30-10 a.m.

Bad News: I haven't done my homework for tomorrow yet. So tchau!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Sounds like you're finding your way pretty quickly.

Look out behind you!!!...A MONKEY!!!