Six 14-year old girls consumed two large pizzas, two pounds of chicken wings, Twizzlers, Sour Patch, M&Ms, Skittles, Oreos, Sun Chips, cookie dough ice cream, cheetos, pancakes, bacon and lots of waters and pops all within 18 hours of being in our house. Hannah had her BFFs over last night and they ate and ate and giggled until 6 a.m. Java even joined in and ate the bowl of mini M&Ms. Needless to say we're kinda tired at the Robar Ranch today.
Dan and Jackson are up in Frankfort (surprise, suprise!) pursuing the almighty salmon this weekend.
We didn't eat cookie dough ice cream!!!!
Hannah, the cookie dough ice cream was for your mom! She hid it from you because she dumped a bottle of rum on it so she could make it through the night. ;)
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