We met with the head of the Japanese baseball league and they are excited for Jackson to play with them. Soccer (football) is the big deal for Paulistas so there isn't baseball in the schools. But there is a big Japanese community there that plays baseball. It sounded intense enough for my boy. So Jackson may refresh his Japanese as well as learn Portugese.
Sao Paulo itself is crazy. The roads are not made for the volume of traffic. There are no highways. It is all two lane surface streets. It takes you forever to travel from Point A to Point B. The biggest danger is all these motorcycles that dart from lane to lane through traffic. I know I will have to drive there but I'm not looking forward to it.
Architecturally, Sao Paulo has no master plan. Lots of tall skinny buildings that are pretty ugly. There are some cool public art displays and a few pretty parks but mostly it is just street urban.
We are still trying to figure out our departure dates. Graded School is already in session. The admissions director was pretty adamant that if Jackson can't get there by September 1, he shouldn't start until after the holiday break in January. The junior year is pretty intense academically. It isn't as big an issue for Hannah since she'll be a freshman so she can start anytime. (Since so many kids there are ex-pats, they are used to people coming and going all year.) Optimistically, we probably won't get our visas until at least mid-September. So, we may depart in pairs. Ro and Hannah may leave in September and Jackson and I in January. Still to be determined.
Wow. So much information to digest and deal with. Would Jackson start school in Detroit in September then?
Make sure my room has some form of sports "feel" to it when I visit in the spring. When does the Carnivale start?
It looks my husband will be taking an ex-pat assignment in Sao Paulo as well...I am curious as to where the condo complex you chose is located? It sounds terrific. It will just be the 2 of us as the kids are in college in the US and we'll keep out home there for them to use. I hope we can be located in a place where I can walk to shopping/restaurants etc -I think I'd be terrified to drive there although my husb will have to and isn't terribly concerned about it. His company will send us down for a week to look for an apartment/house/condo and to give us an orientation to the area. Any tips/thoughts you have on this whole process would be much appreciated.
We're really pleased with our choice. Mostly for the kids since there will be so much for them to do there. The apartment complex is in Panamby which is near Morumbi. The official name of the complex is Villagios of Panamby and there are seven towers of apartments that surround the grounds. My email is crobar231@aol.com if you want to chat some more. Good luck with your visit. It was grueling!! And those motoboys on the road cutting in and out of traffic. Ugh
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