Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Robar Side of the House

I borrowed these photos from Rob's Facebook page. I really like these group shots of the cousins and the brothers and sisters from the party at Sue and Paul's house last Saturday. Happy New Year everybody!

Monday, December 29, 2008

I Love My Family

Christmas is a whirlwind. We've had such a nice time together over the past few days. The Wii we got the kids was a big hit but we haven't had much time to play. I sure like that game system since it requires you to move around. Hannah and Jackson seem to be enjoying the games. (I bought a Wii Fit for me too.)

We spent Christmas Day at my Mom and Dad's with Tim and his girlfriend, Jennifer, and her son Calder. What fun to have a six-year-old around again on Christmas. He's awesome. My Mom did her usual "oh my is this good" dinner and spoiled us all with presents. On the 26th, we hit Oakland Mall and loaded up on jeans, shoes and t-shirts for the kids to take back to Brazil. Such sales!

Saturday took us back to Milford for the Robar gathering at Sue and Paul's. It was a crazy, chaotic gathering with everyone there! Dan has five kids in his family so with all the spouses and kids, there are more than 20 people. Such fun. Sue made it look so easy to put together a meal for everyone (although I am sure it wasn't). She even took the time to get all the fixings together so the kids could frost and sprinkle cookies. They had a blast. We took some great photos but I'll have to post them later. Hannah sure had a fun time with her Cleveland cousin, Cooper.

Yesterday, we went out to visit Pete and Shannon in Troy. Pete is a designer with GM so it was fab for Jackson to see all his artwork from Pete's college days at CCS. Hopefully it inspires our young lad to keep working. They are moving to Sao Paulo in mid-January so it was fun to chat with them. We loaded up a box with syrup, PAM, Bisquick, spices and peanut butter for them to put in their sea shipment. It will be a real treat in four months when their stuff arrives and we get the care package. They took the photo above at our apartment when they were in SP around Thanksgiving.

Tonight, we're off to the Barrows for more fun.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We have just completed the in Milford with Dan's family at 6:00 on Christmas Eve, church at 9:00 at St. Charles in Detroit and mass with my Mom and Dad in West Bloomfield this morning. In between each Mass, lots of eating and family time. Got to love Christmas. What a fab 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Where Sirens Never Sleep

I just read the most honest and oh so sad story about Detroit in the Industry Standard. If you want to read it, click here. Add to that a comment in an email that I received this morning from one of my favorite people, Father David: "Bet you never imagined that St. Charles might outlast General Motors?"

What keeps Detroiters going? Our Mayor is in jail, our Lions haven't won a game, one in seven houses in our nice Detroit neighborhood are empty, only 25% of Detroit Public School students graduate and the Detroit 3 is the laughing stock of the world. So much sadness.

Why do I like it here? I think it the amazing resilient spirit of city residents. St. Charles was on the "hit list" of the Archdiocese for decades. We rallied and kept the doors open. Groups like the Greening of Detroit saw that trees weren't enough. They saw all of the city's open land and said "Hey, people are hungry. Let's start some urban gardens and grow our own food."

This morning, I got an invitation from my friend Trish to support the Colin Hubbell Memorial Fund. The group's theme: Improving Detroit, one connection at a time. So true. That is exactly what the City needs. It is not one blanket "fix-it." It is one little improvement at a time.

I am about to be part of the problem. I am joining the thousands of people who are leaving Detroit. When we get back from Sao Paulo in late 2010, what will Detroit be like? Will we want to live here again or will we take the easy path and bolt to the suburbs? I'm not sure.

So on this Christmas Eve when I am feeling so blessed to be surrounded by my family, my hope is that all the negativity swirling around Detroit can be channeled into good. Even the homeless guy the writer in the Industry Standard piece interviewed had a sense of optimism.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Strangely Familiar

It is amazing how quickly things seem normal again. Dan and the kids have only been home since Saturday night but we've quickly gotten back into the groove. Yesterday, we went to church and decorated the altar tree. Denzel was over most of the day. We had a Thai lunch with Patrice and Taylor and then Hannah went to the movies with Rosie, Ella, Alex and Taylor. The girls were so sweet. They had all seen Twilight before but they knew Hannah hadn't so they went again.

I think the comment of the day goes to Jackson. "Mom, the temperature has changed 100 degrees for us." They were at the beach on Thursday and it was high '90s. Yesterday, there was a below zero wind chill in Detroit. Brrrrr!

What a treat it is to have the family home for Christmas! You can't believe how much it has lifted my spirits.

Here's a few photos of the St. Charles tree. I love how all the ornaments are only as tall as the kids who hung them!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Woo! Hoo!

They're here. Phew.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So Impatient!

Things I am going crazy waiting for RIGHT NOW:

*I want Dan and the kids to come home. Three more days is too long!
*I want George Bush to finally show some tiny sense of leadership and do something to help the auto industry. I'm ready to throw my shoes at him.
*I want it to stop snowing.
*I want to speak Portuguese as well as a four-year-old Brazilian.
*I want my house to be miraculously packed so it is easy to leave in January.
*I want the perfect gifts for everybody.
*I want automotive advertisers to book their pages so all my AN pals can relax this holiday.
*I want a smoking hot marketing campaign that everyone thinks made a difference.

I know....I want, I want, I want. I should be thankful.

*So, I want to be more thankful too.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ready and Waiting

Java is ready for everybody to come home. Don't you love our tree? This is the smallest one in Robar family history but I picked it out at the Market, hauled it in, sawed off the end, straightened it, lit it and decorated it. I am woman, hear me roar! Now SP Three, come home!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Nothing Planned Weekend

This weekend is either going to be exactly what I need....or total torture. I've had a crazy week. I threw holiday parties for Crain in Detroit and New York on Monday and Tuesday. We also let about 60 employees (throughout the country, not just in Detroit) go in the last few days so I've prepped releases and announcements pertaining to those changes. Most worked for one book in New York. Add to that the stressful 24/7 stuff that the dumb ass Southern senators are (not) doing in Washington. Their selfish actions place tough, tough threats on Automotive News and the company that is taking us to Brazil, GM.

So, this weekend, I have absolutely no plans. Nada. Zero.

My fabulous neighbors are worried that I am never home. Will I freak them out by being here? Will it be great? Or not so much?

We'll see.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

HACKED ENCORE!!! RANDOM web cam!!! from sao paulo!!

Hello everybody we got the webcam to work!! Check us out! Hannah and Jackson p.s. no geek squad needed (sorry mom)!

13 More Days!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with hopes that Jackson and Hannah soon would be there.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Awesome friends

I know yesterday was December 5 but I think it was "Colleen's friends all called her on the same day" Day. I had a great lunch yesterday with my friend Trish at Russell Street, had dinner and lots of gossip with my bestest bud Lori at Sala Thai, my sister-in-law Sue called mid-day, my mother-in-law Sue called after dinner and in between I chatted with Amber and Helen. Ro and the kids "skyped in" from Sao Paulo at the end of the day. Trust me, I feel the love of all my pals.

I'm going to Noel Night in the Cultural Center tonight with my folks. One of my weaving pieces (below) got accepted into the CCS Student Show so we're going to see it displayed (probably behind the pop machine) and then poke around the museums and listen to some of the holiday tunes. Sure hope it isn't too cold!

I'm off to yoga now. I don't like running in the cold so I've been going to Bikram yoga (the room is set at 105 degrees) and sweating all the bad stuff out.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Java, are you ready to move to Brazil?

My pal Java has been neglected through this whole ordeal. Whenever I've had to travel for work or to Brazil, poor Java has had to go to the spa to hang out with the other dogs. She waits everyday for me to get home only to have me go out again most nights because I can't stand being home alone. Now, we're going to move her to a foreign country. It is a dog's life!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Great Week

Thought I would post a few of the photos from this week's festivities at the Nippon Blue Jays team party in the country, the Gringo Thanksgiving party at the Wares and the Thanksgiving festival at Graded School (yes, that is that largest blow-up turkey bouncer in South America and yes, Jackson had his hair spray-painted a bunch of colors). Good news, I met a weaver at the school festival and she gave me the name of the yarn store, Aslan, in the 25 de Marco district. Guess I can move.

I miss everybody already.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Departing the SP (Again!)

It feels like I just got here but it is time to go home tonight. Heavy sigh. We're going to spend the day today over at Graded School for their Thanksgiving Festival. It is supposed to be a true turkey dinner and a mini-parca (vendor marketplace). I'm anxious to meet some of the kids friends, parents and teachers.

Yesterday was a big day in Apartment 142. The air shipment arrived. Twelve boxes filled with clothes, sports gear, markers, computer and Hannah's guitar were quickly unpacked and distributed throughout the rooms here. I rushed and got the computer set up yesterday. (I am the Geek Squad!)

We also finally got the kids cell phones yesterday. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get them here. Ro had to first show a bill with our name and address on it. Oh wait, we have to prove it was paid. Another trip. Then he had to have his RNE, CPF and passport documents. Oh wait, it can't be a temporary RNE at one store. Another trip to a different store. We had to have a phone number of someone with a land line who spoke Portuguese. (Thanks Morio.) More delay. The last store, Claro, finally coughed up the two phones and service. It wasn't cheap either. It took three hours yesterday alone, not counting the two other times Ro ventured out getting them. If they lose the phones, I think I will kill both kids.

It has been a great trip with lots of memories. Good (filling) dinners with lots of laughs with the Robbins and the Lawlesses. Fun shopping with Nandita and Satchko at Morumbi. I even got fingerprinted at the Federal Police station so I can come back in January. We had an interesting Gringo Thanksgiving dinner at the Wares that kicked off with Jackson nearly walking through a clear glass panel and breaking the bowl with the shrimp and pasta salad I had made. Not only was it a huge crash but the salad had glass and blood in it and made a big mess. (Luckily, Jackson only had a small cut.) They won't forget the Robars at that complex.

Here's another weird one. We were walking around the other night and met this nice couple from Texas and their two small kids who just moved to SP into the same building as ours. He had read my blog! Talk about a small world.

Most importantly, this trip was a great time to be together as a family. I'm getting pretty anxious to be in Brazil full time. But in the meantime, it will be wonderful to have Dan and the kids home in three weeks for Christmas too. They are getting so grown up. You'll be impressed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting Along Swimmingly

I love this shot that Nandita sent me of the kids at Beach Guaraja last Friday. In my mind, they are giving each other a high five. In reality, they are probably picking on each other. I'll keep my dream alive.

It is funny, I asked the Sao Paulo trio at dinner what they missed most about home. Jackson's quick answer was ROTC, Hannah missed her friends and Ro replied that he didn't like not making things. Not so bad. Of course, after they gave me their answers, they tried to recover with "Oh yea, we miss you Mom" but it was too late. :)

Trip is going well. I am on my way soon to go meet Nandita at Morumbi Shopping. It is a huge mall with 400 stores. We're going to have lunch and get caught up. Her family is still in the hotel since they are waiting for their apartment. That would be tough. Since I don't have wheels yet, I am going to take a taxi to the Mall. Should be interesting.

Here's another few beach shots to make those of you shoveling snow jealous!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Made It!

It is amazing how you can be at work one Friday morning and be in Sao Paulo, Brazil the next day. No problems with the flight...the powers of Tylenol PM never let me down. I was able to get 5-6 hours of sleep between NYC and Sao Paulo and was ready to go when Dan and the kids picked me up.

We went straight from the airport to the end of the year party for the Nippon Blue Jays (Jackson's baseball team). The affair was held not too far from the airport at one of the player's second family home. It was set in the countryside and had several buildings on a pretty piece of land. There was a big open-air gathering space where the guys did the BBQing and the ladies set up the sides. There were a couple smaller buildings that had sleeping quarters and bathrooms. There was even a small chapel and a pool. Everyone was really nice and tried their best to speak whatever English they knew and us Robars all sounded like dopes with our elementary-school Portguese. The food was amazing. Great steak cooked on wood chips, lots of Japanese dishes and over-the-top desserts. Everybody brought food. All the Brazilians (even the teens) kiss you on the cheek hello and goodbye. It was a really warm group of people enjoying time together amidst a few raindrops.

Dan and the kids are doing well. Hannah and Jackson went to the ocean on Friday with another GM family. (Dan was at work.) The outing really seemed to give them a peek at another side of Brazil, the beach! They swam, bought puka necklaces and ate out of coconuts. They said people approached them and offered to cook fresh shrimp and cheese on BBQs while you wait. Sure beats a hot dog vendor in Detroit. I am so glad they got a chance to go. (Thanks Nandita!) You should see their striped sunburns. They swore they put on sunscreen but I guess they missed the part about covering yourself thoroughly. Jackson, especially, looks pretty comical.

The apartment still looks the same. Our air shipment hasn't arrived yet so they are still wearing the same clothes they brought in their suitcases. Unbelievable. They told us 10 days. It has been two months! We are hoping it arrives while I am here this week so Dan doesn't have to leave work to wait for the delivery. We'll see...I am not too hopeful. The sea shipment (with all the furniture and supplies) probably won't make it until 2009.

Sorry no photos. I took some with my camera but I can't download them here. I'll try to take some today with my phone.

We are going to try to go to church today. They haven't gone here yet...can you believe that?? :) There is an English mass near the other international school so I am putting my foot down amidst the protests from my family.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

48 Hours!

My flight leaves Friday at 4:40 p.m. I can't wait to get to Brazil and see everybody. Jackson's baseball team has their end of the year party Saturday afternoon right near the airport so we're going straight there after Ro and the kids pick me up. This crowd is used to smelly teenage boys so I hope they don't mind a woman who has been on a plane all night. Better pack a toothbrush in my carry-on.

We are going to spend Thanksgiving with a group of GM Design ex-pats. Everybody brings a dish and they have an annual "Turkey Egg" hunt according to the invitation. Should be interesting.

I have spent the last two days with the Congressional hearings on my computer while I am working. Those idiots are using statistics and a mindset from 1978 as they are grilling Nardelli, Wagoner and Mulally. Would any of those Congressional types work for a $1 a year? After all, the government is running a deficit. I have a feeling that nothing will result from these hearings. It will take until February when my hero Obama gets into office. Hope I am wrong because I don't think a lot of businesses will make it until then.

I have my Berlitz language CD going now. Man, Portuguese is difficult.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm going to Brazil

Just got word that my Visa is leaving the Brazilian Embassy in Chicago today and will be at the RenCen tomorrow. Woo hoo!! Here's to a Sao Paulo Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Patching Up Holes

This was our roof on Monday. Now it is all fixed. We have a tile roof so it is really expensive to fix it so we patch and we patch.

I have tried really hard this week to think about all the people who are separated from their families for long periods of time. Military families do this for months and sometimes years. I am pretty lucky that I've only been away from Ro and the kids for a few weeks at a time. I learned today that Thanksgiving is looking questionable. My flight is November 21 and my visa/passport is due back in Detroit on the 26th. Our GM contact said many of them come in early and is going to update me everyday next week on the status. I bought flight insurance so maybe I can change my flight to a little later in the week. I don't want to jinx things by making calls and doing too much research. If not, the Turkey Trot 10K is where I'll spend my holiday.

If it doesn't happen, it will be a little easier because the Sao Paulo trio is going to be home for three weeks over the holidays. They arrive December 21 and will be here through January 9. Yea!!!!!!!! I leave for Brazil for good on January 30.

I'll spend tomorrow at my weaving class with some hand-dyed chenille and then off to the Urban Craft Fair at the State Theater. This single life is pretty wild and crazy.

Happy birthday Tim. My little bro turns 41 tomorrow. I think he's going to the circus. Gotta love that. Some kids never grow up.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It's Snowing in the D

(This photo is shot from the balcony off Hannah's room. Hope you can see the snow on the rail.) They aren't expecting any accumulation here but it is a scary sight of things to come. Hard to believe it was 70 degrees here last week. I spent the 40 degree day today getting the backyard ready for winter. I chopped, raked and put Dan's pond to bed. The hoses are away and the main valves to the outside lines are off. I guess it is good I didn't wait until next weekend. After all this work today, I have an even higher regard for my husband. Yardwork is usually his territory but it was kind of peaceful taking care of it all today. Trust me, I like weaving better...but it wasn't horrible.

Time to get to the warmth of Sao Paulo.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Keeping Busy

In my pursuit of sanity while my family is away, I'm keeping way busy. Last night, I went out with the Barrows, O'Mearas, Maucks and a bunch of the St. Clare crowd and saw "To Kill A Mockingbird." The local YMCA has a great theater and the production was first rate. But, it is not a very cheery story. Truth should win out. Guess, we'll see a comedy next time.

I built yet another slideshow this week for tonight's performance of the Dearing Detroit Dance Company at St. Charles. It honors my friend Sue Wenrick who died this past year. She built the dance company up from nothing and is really missed. Steve Dearing is the dancer who makes it all happen but it was Sue who really had the vision of what dancing can do to help all these inner city kids stay focused. (Steve is in the front and Sue is in the middle in this picture.) The performance is tonight so I'll be there behind the scenes crossing my fingers that the computer and projector work as planned.

The auto industry is so scary now. Provided GM can stay in business, I think Brazil will be a good place to hang out for a few years while North America gets back on track. I start Portuguese lessons with Berlitz next week. The instructor is going to meet me at a conference room at Crain during my lunch hour twice a week for two hours. I thought that would be easier than having the teacher come to the house in the evenings.

Off to weaving now!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I think the Chevrolet Meriva is the car Ro and I are going to order for me to drive around Sao Paulo. What color should I get? Red or blue? I am American after all.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Back in the D

I'm killing time this morning so I can get to the polls right when they open at 7. Usually I'm at the office before 7, so this seems very strange to me. I sure hope the large turnout they are predicting comes true. In Detroit today, they are expecting one of those freakishly fabulous 70-degree November days so I bet there are long lines. Awesome! No secret who is getting my vote. Gobama!!!

It feels weird to be home and back at work. My heart and mind are in Sao Paulo. Life is tough for Dan and the kids there (especially with the language barrier) but they seem to be sludging through it all well. I do know that when I get there for good, I will be a help to them so I can't wait for the next few months to fly by. I turned in all my paperwork (and passport) yesterday for my two-year Visa. Hopefully, it will get back in time so I can go visit at Thanksgiving. They said it takes 15 working days and my flight is November 21. I give it about a 50/50 chance. Brazilian time is not fast. Say a prayer!

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Hello! BON DIA!!!

I didn't actually hack on my mom's blog, she said that if I wanted to I could post a 14 teen year old's point of view on life in a foreign country! SO HERE I AM!!! I thought I would just share one of my dumb american trying to speak portuguese moments. I recently learned that when you want a coca-cola you should only say "coca" because if you just say, "may i have a cola please." Then in portuguese you are saying, "may i have some glue please." Aparently if you say cola it means glue in portuguese. My teacher Cleber recently told me that. I wondered why when i said "Cola, por favor" they looked at me kind of funny. My teacher got a good laugh out of that.

So far, i like Sao Paulo. It is very different than the states, one with the language, two with just how the culture is. Everything is much more free and laid back. I'm not sure if I like that part of it yet.

I apoligize for any spelling and grammatical errors, my english ad portuguese could use a litte work.

Well there is my first blog post! Sorry I didn't tell you mom! Maybe I will post again sometime.

Peace and love,

Friday, October 31, 2008


Even though the kids are in a foreign land and in high school, that doesn't stop them from celebrating Halloween. Jackson, in particular, has always been really "over the top" with this holiday with some pretty memorable costumes. My attention-craving boy loves any chance for people to look at him! Hannah took a more low-key, "I'm a freshman" approach this year with fangs and a pumpkin t-shirt. Tonight, we're going to celebrate my last night in Brazil with two other GM families. We're going to go to a local churrascaria to eat piles of beef and drink some Brazilian rum cocktails (caipirinhas)! Should be fun.

This week has been a good test for me. Ro and the kids have gone to work and school everyday. It has given me a chance to try my hand at nesting (clean, clean, clean!) and also work long distance. Timing was good too since Ro was able to schedule some deliveries from the rental company and repairs for the computer/telephone while I was here.

I think I'll go a little crazy alone all day but if I mix it up with enough e-mail and phone calls, I should be able to stay busy. With the daylight savings time change (they "spring ahead" here below the equator while Detroit "falls back"), I'll have a three hour time difference for a few months. I should be able to get a good run in everyday before the Motor City even wakes up. Lots of hills here. While I don't think I'll ever have Brazilian buns of steel, it is a good workout.

Jackson has a baseball game tomorrow at the Nippon Club. The Blue Jays are supposed to be really good. It'll be fun seeing him interact with the Japanese kids at the game. Ro says it is hilarious watching them find a common language between English, Japanese and Portuguese. I leave around 6:00 p.m. for the airport. Heavy sigh!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Good to Be Here

I've been in Sao Paulo for 48 hours and I'm already dreading leaving on Saturday. It is fabulous to see Ro and the kids. They are doing great. The apartment is a bit of a train wreck since they don't have any of their stuff yet but they are doing amazingly well with the bits and pieces they've been given by the rental company and the many trips they've made to Extra, the Brazilian equivalent of Target. Supposedly, the air shipment is a week or so away. Brazilian time is "whenever they feel like it."

The kids are amazing. They seem to be adjusting well to their new school, making friends, cracking jokes and teasing each other like always. It is really cool to think about them in the same school. I never envisioned they would be at the same high school helping each other out. They even have their "Portugese for dummies" class together. They also gave me crap for watching them get on the bus this morning. They are so independent and grown up.

I worked today. This morning, I met with a Brazilian publisher that is helping Automotive News and this afternoon, I was at the Sao Paulo Auto Show. It is just like every other auto show, but without a lick of English anywhere. I made it through. When I get back to the D, I am going to get really serious about learning Portugese.

Here are two images of my day that I captured with my cell phone: a girl in a skimpy bikini shaking what her Momma gave her at the auto show and a grocery store worker on roller skates (check out the magazine titles at the checkout!). Other than that, it was a normal day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fiber Madness

After weaving for a few hours this morning in my class at CCS, five merry souls busted out of the D and took off for the Western pastures of Forma and the Michigan Fiber Expo in Ann Arbor. It didn't matter that we were headed knee deep into the heaviest traffic of the year destined for the Michigan-Michigan State game. Football, who cares? We're after yarn. What fun! I didn't do too much damage (a book and a couple skeins of yarn I couldn't leave behind), but it was so freaky to be in a place where there were llamas and bunnies that people used for their fur (alpaca and angora). Check out the size of this bunny. I head for the airport after church tomorrow. Last week, all the family needed were dryer sheets, a power cord, phones and a calculator. Suddenly today, we've added fangs, a cup, paint ball supplies, Skittles, Tiger jersey and an alarm clock to the list. I think I have everything. I can't wait to get on the plane tomorrow and finally get to Sao Paulo. The visit will be short but I think it will do me a world of good.

Pink Parties

After a crazy day at work yesterday where everyone was lamenting the stock market, Kwame's text messages, falling advertising and Chrysler laying off 5,000 workers, I hit two big parties. The first was for my niece Lauren. She turned five. Everything was pink and featured princesses. That's what life should be all about. It was great to hang for a little bit with Dan's family and just celebrate how cool kids can be. My sister-in-law Carrie has a really fun brood too.

I left Waterford and went to a "Girl's Night Out" at my friend Trish's house. Boy, put 10 women in the room together with a little wine and the volume goes way up. Trish has an amazing perspective on life and the city so it was great to talk with her. I was home by about 11:30 but I can't remember the last time I went to two parties in one night. Granted they were very mellow but it sure was nice to see everyone and forget the gloom and doom of the economy for a while.

Next stop: Brazil. I leave tomorrow at 4 p.m. Woo hoo!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Need Thai Food in Sao Paulo

My spoiled daughter is missing Thai food. Where do we go in Sao Paulo to find it? I am going to be there next week (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I want to treat everybody to their beloved pad see ew. If not, I think I'll have to deliver the farthest carry out that Sala Thai in Detroit has ever experienced. Help me out, you expat readers!

Just got back from a whirlwind two days in Chicago taping some readers and employees for the web site. It was a fast couple of days but I was working with a really nice crew so that made it fun. Can't wait for the site to finally go live.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Run Baby Run

Today was the Free Press Marathon. The "Moms on the Run Again" relay team was a stellar group comprised of Lisa, Linda, Suzanne,Patrice and I. (Lynne is in the photo too but she ran on Compuware's team this year. It was a disaster. She'll be back where she belongs for next year's race.) We each had a leg of the race that ranged in length from 3 miles to 7.1.

After not sleeping very well, I was up at 5, picked up Patrice at 6 and started running the first leg around 7:20 from the starting point of Washington Blvd. and Grand River. (I went to the bathroom before the race at the new Westin Book Cadillac at that corner. Beautiful!! No porta potties for this diva!) It took me a sad 85 minutes to run my 7.1 miles. That is just under 12 minute miles. We had to walk on one part of the bridge that was under construction so I know that slowed me down. Ugh! But I feel pretty good that I did my part. It was the longest distance I've ever attempted in my life. It was also a really pretty run over the Ambassador Bridge and down Riverside Drive in Windsor.

Get ready Jackson. I want to try a half marathon and the Sao Paulo Marathon happens in late January. I'm going to keep training.

The marathon goes through my neighborhood so we had a really fun Van Morrison cover band on our lawn and my neighbor Pat outdoes herself every year cooking the most amazing quiches and fresh breads. Oh my God. I don't even like eggs but I drool for her quiches. They are amazing. So we were going big guns until about 1 p.m. She probably had 40-50 people there throughout the morning. Burns is on Mile 21 of the race so it is really important to cheer on the marathoners at that point. We watched one guy blow out his knee right in front of us. (That's him borrowing Tom and Taylor's phone to call for a ride.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Secret Life of Bees

I really want to go see this movie. But I want to see it with Hannah. We listened to the book on tape together during a long, long ride to Indianapolis a few years back. She re-read it this summer. It is a great story and I am a big fan of Alicia Keys and Jennifer Hudson. Now I'm torn. Do I go to the movie without her (and probably get very blue) or do I wait until we can see it together? I'm not the type to go to movies alone anyway so I will probably wait. I wonder if it will be in Portuguese with English sub-titles or be in English with Portuguese sub-titles if we see it in Sao Paulo? Maybe I'll just wait for the DVD.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fishing in Brazil

Ro sent these photos from their 12-hour fishing charter excursion in the Ocean on Sunday. Jackson caught a hammerhead shark. This great time was definitely the highlight of the male Brazilian Adventure so far.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moms and Dads

On Saturday, I got a chance to see all my Moms and Dads. After weaving, I went over to my in-laws. (This photo is from Sue's house a few months back.) My father-in-law had a minor stroke the day before Dan and the kids left for Brazil. He's doing really well. He's getting around like a champ with a walker. The thing that is affected most is his speech. He's working with a speech therapist twice a week repeating tongue twisters like "nine newsmen need nectarines." I don't know if I could do that.

While I was in the burbs, I went over and did a check on my Mom and Dad's webcam. It was all a ploy to get a steak dinner out of them. They have this new charcoal grill, the Big Egg, that was so amazing. Man, dinner was good. (The webcam worked fine and is all set "for action" as soon as the Brazilian trio get their computer from the shipment.)

I am so lucky to have two sets of amazing parents. More than lucky. Blessed. They are all worried that I'm going batty so it was nice of them to chill with me for the afternoon.

Dan and the kids are supposed to move into the apartment today. No word from them yet.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chirp! Chirp!

Java and I have a new friend bunking with us in Casa Robar. It is a cricket. She has moved into the sunroom somewhere and is a happy sort, chirping all the time. But can I find her to show her the door? No way. I wonder if she'll pay rent or at least do her share of the chores!

Friday, October 10, 2008


The weather in Sao Paulo is on its way to summer levels. (They are below the equator so everything is backwards.) So, the kids are hoping to meet the Japanese baseball teams and start playing on Saturday. Looks like Hannah might be able to be on a team too. On Sunday, Dan and Jackson have found a fishing hole and are headed out at 4 a.m. with a friend from GM. I'm just glad to hear they are getting out of the hotel a little bit. The apartment is supposed to be ready early next week so that will be one more step toward normalcy.

LATE UPDATE FROM SP: No baseball, but fishing is a go!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Guilt Feelings

I am trying to keep myself sane in the D. The Portuguese is being studied, the miles are being run (I did 7.5 on Tuesday night) and the weaving piece is nearly done. I'm getting through the final home repair projects and starting to pack up the last of the rubble. The roof repairs begin on the 20th and I got the locks fixed on Monday. But I keep thinking I should be with the kids and Dan in Sao Paulo. Heavy guilt. They are going through a whole bunch of new things and feelings that I'm not experiencing with them. Dan is starting a new job in a foreign country. He shouldn't have to deal exclusively with the kids too. Don't the kids need their Mom anymore? Probably not since they are strong independent teens but maybe I need them more than I know.

I think I'll be much better once I get to see them again on October 26 (17 days!) They should be leaving the hotel shortly and moving into the apartment. I know Hannah is tired of eating meals there everyday.

I had a nice lunch with my brother yesterday. We work about a mile apart everyday but we only do this a few times a year. It was great to catch up with Tim yesterday.

Monday, October 06, 2008

News Flash

The Sao Paulo Tech Police contacted me this evening to verify that Dan Robar sent a text message to his children in their hotel room from his office at General Motors Brazil. He even used cute initials at the end, GTG. How did this happen? Until today's incident, he had spent his life text-free. Obviously the South American air has gone to his head.

What's next? Could his first CD purchase be far behind? Or perhaps, now I'm getting really crazy, an I-Pod?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Do They Have A Moose Tree in SP?

This is one of our favorite Detroit icons. The "moose tree" is located in one of Detroit's poorest neighborhoods near Mack and Mt. Elliott. My camera phone photo is not very good but the tree has a pair of eyes and is usually adorned with a necklace or two of the season. A year or so ago, the house behind the moose burned to the ground. We were kind of worried about this tree. (Ro even thought about moving it to our backyard.) But lo and behold, new construction sprung up behind the tree. This is Detroit survival at its finest.

The report from SP is that the trio got in a taxi today and found a mall. Hannah's e-mail said it was a great spot but that it is no fun shopping with guys. We'll have to visit this mall again when I get there. A picture menu at a sushi restaurant made it so they could eat. (I am doing the Rosetta Stone again at home. Hopefully, I'll be able to speak a little by the time I get there for good.)

I'm trying to stay busy so I don't get too blue so after church, I went for another good run (5 miles). I am feeling mighty confident that I'll be able to get through my Free Press Marathon leg over the Ambassador Bridge just fine. Besides Patrice will be waiting for me in Canada and she can't start until I get there! Also went over to CCS and worked on my double weave piece a little more. It is almost done. I sure am glad I was able to squeeze into the CCS weaving class at the last minute. Without a loom at home, it makes it so I have somewhere to go and something to do.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Getting Away With It

Java has always slept in a small doggie bed at the foot of our bed. As soon as Dan and the kids left, she claimed a new home....Jackson's mattress. Too funny! I wonder how our goofy mutt will do in Brazil.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hannah's First E-Mail from Brazil

This cracked me up. I love the whole 14-year old line of thinking:

OMG!!!! I am so confused!!! We are here!!! WOO!!! the plane was nice and comfy in bussiness class. the airport was insane!!! the customs line was like a battlefield of who could get in line first!!! once you were in line it moved pretty fast but not while you were trying to find the end of the line! The drive was soooo long....i fell asleep for like half of it. those motorcycles are so crazy!! The driver dude was nice but his english wasn't very good (dad said he was the guy that drove you to the airport). so now i am chillin' about to take a nap after a nice shower. now i think i should've done more of that rosetta stone. I dont' know what anyone is saying!!! IT IS SO FREAKIN ANNOYING!!! Sorry i think that i am just venting in this email. How are things there?? I miss you! love yah


Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I can't say it enough. We have the best friends in the world. Not only did we have a blast on Saturday at our goodbye party, but a hearty bunch came over yesterday evening to wish the family well. Lots of laughs and hugs were exactly what we needed. Hannah's pals gave her an incredible scrapbook of photos through the years. Jackson, Delle and Denzel got in one more game of pool. Pat made the most amazing lasagna, Helen brought soda bread, Sean and Amber shared their wedding cake top (one year anniversary) and Lynne blew my diet with the world's largest bag of M&Ms.

After a hearty lunch at Sala Thai, the Sao Paulo trio left this afternoon. I miss them already.

P.S. Dan's Dad did have a small stroke but he's one tough soldier and looks like he'll recover. This is his second stroke so I hope he takes his time coming home so he can get stronger. I'm glad Dan and the kids got to spend some time with him this morning. Thanks for your prayers. They helped!