It is amazing how quickly things seem normal again. Dan and the kids have only been home since Saturday night but we've quickly gotten back into the groove. Yesterday, we went to church and decorated the altar tree. Denzel was over most of the day. We had a Thai lunch with Patrice and Taylor and then Hannah went to the movies with Rosie, Ella, Alex and Taylor. The girls were so sweet. They had all seen Twilight before but they knew Hannah hadn't so they went again.
I think the comment of the day goes to Jackson. "Mom, the temperature has changed 100 degrees for us." They were at the beach on Thursday and it was high '90s. Yesterday, there was a below zero wind chill in Detroit. Brrrrr!
What a treat it is to have the family home for Christmas! You can't believe how much it has lifted my spirits.
Here's a few photos of the St. Charles tree. I love how all the ornaments are only as tall as the kids who hung them!

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