I have tried really hard this week to think about all the people who are separated from their families for long periods of time. Military families do this for months and sometimes years. I am pretty lucky that I've only been away from Ro and the kids for a few weeks at a time. I learned today that Thanksgiving is looking questionable. My flight is November 21 and my visa/passport is due back in Detroit on the 26th. Our GM contact said many of them come in early and is going to update me everyday next week on the status. I bought flight insurance so maybe I can change my flight to a little later in the week. I don't want to jinx things by making calls and doing too much research. If not, the Turkey Trot 10K is where I'll spend my holiday.
If it doesn't happen, it will be a little easier because the Sao Paulo trio is going to be home for three weeks over the holidays. They arrive December 21 and will be here through January 9. Yea!!!!!!!! I leave for Brazil for good on January 30.
I'll spend tomorrow at my weaving class with some hand-dyed chenille and then off to the Urban Craft Fair at the State Theater. This single life is pretty wild and crazy.
Happy birthday Tim. My little bro turns 41 tomorrow. I think he's going to the circus. Gotta love that. Some kids never grow up.
What color is the chenille?
I don't have to think too much about Thanksgiving this year... I am having reconstruction surgery this Thursday so the only thing I have to worry about is when I get to take a shower again ;)
In a few months.... all of this will be behind you and you guys will be together again :)
Chenille is a great mix of peacock colors....kind of mermaid like...with a deep purple weft. I'll take a photo for you. Glad to hear that you're moving ahead with your surgeries. Get them behind you (or in front of you :) and move on. Sure sounds like Sam had a great birthday.
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