Thankfully, Brazilians do understand the importance of chocolate. All the stores are lined overhead with these beautiful large chocolate eggs covered in foil. Most of the eggs are hollow and have a small toy inside.
Jackson has a baseball tournament all weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) so our holiday will be pretty low key. Also, I leave for Detroit for two weeks Sunday night so maybe my Mom will take pity on me (please, please) and set aside some Easter leftovers for consumption on Monday.
Dear Collen,
I understand your first impression with Bacalhau.
But let me tell you that it is more than non refrigerated salty cod fish.
It is an European tradition of thousands and thousands of years, brought to Brazil from Sweeden, Norway and Portugal, today, there is no need for salty non refrigerated fish hence all the availability of refrigeration in the world, but families have kept the traditional recipes and Christians made it even a bigger deal during Easter...
The best Bacalhau dishes are homemade and a very feel great tradional Portuguese restaurants in Sao Paulo.
The salty cod is emerged in clean cold water overnight to extract all the salt, the water is replaced many times to extract to most salt possible...
Baked in the oven with whole potatoes, whole onions and other vegetables and drizzled with Olive Oil.
It really is a delicious dish and a great European tradition, you should definitely give it a try.
Good Portuguese restaurants in Sao Paulo serve great Bacalhau year round.
Last but not least, the absolute best chocolate in the city in our opinion is Kopenhagen Brand chocolate, it is out of this world great!
So Ray, are you inviting the family over for dinner? :) Thanks for the information.
Sure! We are in Rhode Island now, but your family is welcome for a typical Portuguese "Bacalhoada" when we arrive in Sao Paulo.
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