He's already been accepted there but since Jackson had never seen it, we thought it best to take the "official" tour, see the dorms and get some questions answered. What an amazing place! SCAD has engulfed many historic buildings in the city and turned them into incredible examples of historic preservation by adapting the structures to the school's needs. Seventy-two buildings sprinkled throughout the town make up the campus. There are classes in old train stations, churches, synagogues, even a former coffin factory. There was a whole building devoted to fibers/weaving. (I made Jackson go look at it.) Once you get past marveling at the architecture, you really start to appreciate the sophistication and high levels of technology that SCAD has incorporated into every curriculum. In short, we were impressed.
The city has all these beautiful squares and trees and funky restaurants. Very cool.
Jackson has submitted his portfolio for scholarship consideration. We should hear back in a few weeks. SCAD is a very expensive school so we have our fingers crossed that they come up with some money.
It was nice to spend some time with Jackson. We got his eyes checked, glasses made, hair cut and did some serious shopping during this whirlwind trip. He was looking for these certain bats so I think we visited every baseball store between Orlando and Savannah with no luck. (We are going to order them online and have our neighbors Sean and Amber bring them when they visit in March.) One of my bestest high school buddies, Tracey Strachan, lives in Jacksonville so we had a great dinner with her husband, David and her son, Camden. All in all, it was a fun and productive trip.
1 comment:
SCAD and Savannah rock -- I have friends who are alums and my sister lived outside Savannah for several years. A great town!
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