Ro sure seems happy with the new addition. I think he'll be able to survive the next few years here now. The Graded art teacher gave him the name of a place where he can fire his work.
Jackson got accepted to the College for Creative Studies this week. He was pretty pumped that all three of his choices said yes. Now he has to make a decision.
Hannah is doing well. She is in the midst of picking classes for her junior and senior year. She is trying to work in another language (Spanish) but I don't know if her schedule will be able to handle it. They sure push the kids here.
This is my latest weaving project. The silk/cashmere yarn is so soft but I wish the water lilies pattern popped a little more. Maybe it will be more prominent after I wash it. I always stink at picking the right colors. (Makes me miss my Saturday weaving friends!) I am trying to get this off the loom so I can put my Weaving Olympics project on before the Olympics end this weekend. I am the international entry after all. My CCS friends and I are all doing the same piece with different yarns and then dipping them in indigo dye. Should be interesting. Luckily, I'm not back in the US again until April 5 so I get to count the Special Olympics too!