Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Good to Be Here

I've been in Sao Paulo for 48 hours and I'm already dreading leaving on Saturday. It is fabulous to see Ro and the kids. They are doing great. The apartment is a bit of a train wreck since they don't have any of their stuff yet but they are doing amazingly well with the bits and pieces they've been given by the rental company and the many trips they've made to Extra, the Brazilian equivalent of Target. Supposedly, the air shipment is a week or so away. Brazilian time is "whenever they feel like it."

The kids are amazing. They seem to be adjusting well to their new school, making friends, cracking jokes and teasing each other like always. It is really cool to think about them in the same school. I never envisioned they would be at the same high school helping each other out. They even have their "Portugese for dummies" class together. They also gave me crap for watching them get on the bus this morning. They are so independent and grown up.

I worked today. This morning, I met with a Brazilian publisher that is helping Automotive News and this afternoon, I was at the Sao Paulo Auto Show. It is just like every other auto show, but without a lick of English anywhere. I made it through. When I get back to the D, I am going to get really serious about learning Portugese.

Here are two images of my day that I captured with my cell phone: a girl in a skimpy bikini shaking what her Momma gave her at the auto show and a grocery store worker on roller skates (check out the magazine titles at the checkout!). Other than that, it was a normal day.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Look at the booty on the girl in the background....her momma was good to her.

I'm so glad you are with your family. I know what you mean about how independent kids all of a sudden become, it seems like it happens over night.