Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Next 10 Days

OK, the visas are here. We're in full ignition mode now. Hard to believe that Dan, Jackson and Hannah only have 10 more days in the US. Here's a brief look at the stuff we know about during this crazy stretch:

Today--Hannah is at her girlfriend Elizabeth's baptism this AM; Jackson is going to the homecoming dance at Regina tonight with Ari; and I'm moving into the Dearborn Inn for the next two nights to run the Crain executive meeting

Wednesday--Both kids go to the dentist; Art Van delivers the furniture we bought

Thursday--Meet with the Merrill Lynch guy we've been avoiding for a year and then sit down with Jackson's counselor at Cass, Mr. Washington

Friday--Second round of immunizations for all; Hannah is going to Mercy's homecoming dance with her buddy Taylor

Saturday--PARTY! We're having about 100 people over to the house for our "Brazil or Bust" open house

Monday--Movers arrive and pack up all our belongings on the air and sea shipment

Wednesday--Plane leaves at 4:15 p.m.

The kids plan to go their new school in Sao Paulo on Friday. Whew!

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