I sold my Norwood loom today. This was the first loom I bought four years ago. It is beautiful cherry wood but it has only four harnesses and takes up a lot of real estate since it is 50 inches wide. I still have my Mighty Wolf 8-harness loom. I posted the loom on Craig's List yesterday and it was sold by the end of the day to a nice crafter lady from Port Clinton, Ohio. She's never woven before in her life but I think she'll figure it out. I gave her a quick lesson, a few reeds and a book on rag rugs (which is what she wants to weave on it).
No direct word from the kids yet but I've gotten a few emails from Hannah's leaders. Sounds like they're having a great time. I noticed (from her Visa Buxx card) that she spent some money today at the Hard Rock Paris. What fun!
I'm sure I'll hear from Jackson when his bus pulls into the lot at U of D on Saturday.
We have this exact loom and have also decided we must part with it..Is there any chance you would share with me how much you were able to sell it for? many thanks
I am curious. How many rugs did you weave on your Norwood? I really want to purchase an older Cherrywood Norwood loom that is for sale locally. But, a few weavers have told me that it isn't good for rug weaving. I don't think i will do tons of rugs. but, i would like to be able to do some. any thoughts and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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