Yesterday, I took Jackson and Arriana (a nice girl who goes to St. Charles and attends Regina who Jackson danced with at a Sweet 16 party a few weeks back) to lunch and the DIA after church. Then last night, I check out Jackson's Facebook page and wo, there is a photo snapped with his phone of the two of them at the Museum. His profile now says he is "in a relationship."
Maybe, I missed something but the two have gone on a total of two dates (three if you count the party where they reconnected) and have talked on the phone a lot. Is that a relationship?
I am so old.
Honey..... we will never get it. There is no longer a pin, a sweater (did you actually do that??...I never got a pin or a sweater).... you have to be're going to be proud of the son who is not after a first point boinggg, but is showing his hottie for all to see. Hang in there my friend. (I'm telling this to myself as I write.)
ugh, I know... I am so not ready for that, when I read your posts about these things I get a little shiver knowing it is coming. The "in relationship" bit on their profile must give a lot of kids strss in these days. I would have agonized over it - should I keep it as single? Is it time to change it? Do I ask him? Do I tell him?
I am very glad I am not a teenager.
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