Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Terror on Wheels

OK, Ro decided he wanted to go the Design Forum for an event at the Auto Show sponsored by Crain, my boss. I had the dry cleaning in my car. Met him at 4:15 in Eastern Market and gave him the shirt he wanted. Picked up Hannah at 4:30 at St. Clare. Took her home to get a shower and to make her dinner (grilled cheese). Picked up Jackson at Cass at 5:30 from baseball and took him home and got Hannah to guitar at 6:00. Went to the restaurant next door to the guitar store and had a chicken sandwich while she played. Got to the Forensics tournament with Hannah by 7:00. She and her classmates performed until 8:45. Took them all to Coldstone for ice cream until they shut the doors at 9:30. Home finally. Thank God.

I'm tired just typing it. I was so proud of Hannah and her 15 or so classmates tonight. They really are amazing. The kids all perform 6-8 minute memorized selections. Some are funny and some are dramatic but man, they were all good. Hannah did a piece from the children's book Eloise. She was great. They were all great. Not a clinker in the bunch. It is amazing to see how much these 8th graders have grown. Forensics is a fabulous self-esteem booster.


Tim said...

Isn't forensics for crime scene investigations? I guess she should learn now because she'll probably need it in the neighborhood in due time.

Corinne said...

What exactly is forensics? I'm with Tim. I think now is the perfect time for Hannah to learn about it... she might be able to get evidence on the guys walking your car away.....