We had a blast at the Run and Parade yesterday. This is our neighbor Lynn and her son, Nathan. Living near us is dangerous. I invited Lynn to come run with Jackson and I in the Corktown Races and before you know it, we sucked them into the Greening of Detroit party and Nathan was dressed as a tree walking in the Parade passing out green beads. Lynn and Jackson kicked butt in the 4-mile race...Jackson did it in 28 minutes and Lynn in 36. I got as far as the Greening office (still 3.5 miles!) and ran in for a beer. How embarrassing. I had to mail my time chip back today! Big fun...awesome weather. We all marched in the Parade and were joined by Hannah's pals--Rosemary, Taylor and Phoebe--and Trish and Alaina Hubbell passing out beads. Jackson rode his skateboard alongside. The Maucks and the Stanleys were waiting at the Greening Gig when we finished. We are sure lucky to have such fab friends.
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