I have spent the week at the mercy of Brazilian plumbers. The apartment downstairs had a leak so they are ripping up our bathroom to repair their problem. Oh the dust and the noise! They tell me they will be with me next week too. Ugh!
My kids are getting to go on a bunch of cool trips in the next few weeks. I am way jealous. I've spent the week filling out a lot of paperwork. The school has a "bonding" trip every September for each grade. Hannah is going to Bahia and Jackson is headed to Recife from September 15-21. Then little Miss "I want to see the world" Hannah is going to Lisbon, Portgual with her Model United Nations Club in November. Jackson is headed to the beach for a senior trip. Top that off with the Big 8 Athletic Tournament at Nosso Recanto in late November and I don't think these two will be spending much time in their classrooms.
We're starting to focus pretty heavily on what Hannah and Jackson will be doing next year. Jackson has narrowed down his college search to Savannah College of Art & Design, College for Creative Studies, Cleveland Institute of Art, Wayne State and Grand Valley State. He's deep into applications right now and is going to tackle the ACT one more time in October. Hannah still seems a bit confused about where she wants to finish her last two years of high school. I think she wants to stay here!
Next month, I'm headed back to Detroit for a long stretch (October 3-November 5). Work has been crazy busy the past few weeks so it will be good to see people eye-to-eye. Working long distance is definitely possible but without that daily contact my mind does weird things.
We've got a loud thunderstorm moving in right now. I love the rain! It sure is weird to be in September and see the days getting longer and the temperatures getting hotter.