I have no more babies. Hannah officially graduated 8th grade from St. Clare yesterday. They had a Mass in the morning and a big ceremony and party in the evening. What a day! She had different dresses for the AM and PM. Hannah was honored as the best art student and the best reading student. Guess that means she's half Ro and half me. I was extremely proud of her and all her pals. Such a nice group of kids.
Both sets of Grandparents came down for the evening festivities which was very cool. St. Clare has a tradition where the 8th graders learn ballroom dancing the second half of the year and show off their dancing moves at the evening party. They were surprisingly good. There is this 80+-year old woman who has taught dancing to the last 45(!) graduating classes at St. Clare. She runs the operation like a military sargeant. The boys have to ask the girls to dance, she teaches them the moves and then the boys have to return the girls to their chairs. Of course, as soon as their 4-5 ballroom dances were over, the tunes returned and the evening reverted to the Soulja Boy, Electric Slide and line dances again.
Tonight the Santoscoys are having the entire 8th grade class and their parents over their house. Crazy souls. It should be a good time. Hannah is having six of the girls spend the night over here after Nathan's party.