We took off on Friday for a seven-hour drive to Tuscola, Illinois for the Meece Family Reunion. My Grandpa Barney (my Mom's Dad) and his family grew up in this area so we went to Helen Marie and Rodney's farm for a get-together. So much corn! It was a wonderfully relaxing day with lots of chatter, good food and row after row of corn. We went to Sidell and saw the family home, visited the war memorial put up to honor my Grandpa's three brothers who served, climbed on some gigantic farm equipment, oohed and aahed at some amazing quilts and looked at lots of fun, old photos. My folks were there too. It was a surprisingly wonderful gathering. Lots of stories...I'm guessing at least half of them were true!
On Sunday, we went into Chicago and did the total opposite....urban. The four of us went to Millenium Park (oh so cool!) and had a great time hanging around the Windy City. I had a media event for the Bridge so I flew home Sunday night and Dan and the kids spent some more time in the city on Monday.

I helped with public forums for the Bridge on Monday and Tuesday night in Windsor so I was running crazy finishing the DVD and getting all the media invites and materials together. It amazes me the people who make it their life's work to fight a cause like the expansion of the Bridge. Don't they have jobs or families that are way more important??? They need to find something else to do. There were a lot of supporters at our event too which was nice to see for a change. Long 16 hour days!
Wednesday was the Freedom Festival fireworks and the Bridge threw a party at the Art Gallery of Windsor. Awesome location! I helped set up the party during the day....there was a huge storm that blew through a few hours before the event. I wouldn't have wanted to be the guy who made the decision that the weather would get nice in time for the 10:06 start. Sure enough...it turned out to be a beautiful night. I stayed at the party until about 9 and then dashed home to go over the Barrow's house to watch with friends on the River from the Detroit side.

Jackson left this morning for ROTC camp. It is so weird to see your baby dressed in camo with a bag over his shoulder. He'll be gone for six days to a camp in Alpena with his ROTC buddies from Cass and from schools from all over the state. Sure hope he doesn't sign anything. (Jackson's love of all things ROTC was one reason I was looking forward to moving to China!)