OK, I'm at Metro Airport fishing through my briefcase for my wallet to get a credit card and the silly parking ticket I got 24 hours ago so I can get my car and hit the road home. I lean the briefcase atop a trash can next to the rail....open it up....and then...bim, bam, boom...my phone falls out of the unzipped front pocket, cascades over the rail and just misses the Checker Sedan lady two flights below. (I wonder if I would have got sued if the phone had hit her?) I screamed down apologies to my near victim and raced down two escalator flights to check out the damage.
Anyone who knows me knows that that stupid phone is like an adopted organ that is necessary for all human function. It is always with me. All of my clients use that number (usually before they call the office), it has my personal and work email "sync"ed in, my calendar and contact list is in there.....everything. I'm out of my office most of the day so even though all the info is backed up on my computer, it is a lifeline for my insane world.
The glass was broken and it had a huge dent. I tried pushing the button and I had a cool piece of backlit modern art but no service. Heavy sigh.
Even the ride home was weird. I couldn't call Ro to tell him I was on my way. I usually call my Mom from the road so that didn't happen either.
The next morning, I had a meeting with a client and I couldn't call my colleagues to see what entrance they were at....my meeting ran long and I had a 12:30 conference call I was supposed to be on...Normally, I could call from the road but I couldn't get the number off my calendar. I missed it. I was running late for my 1:00 and I couldn't call and tell her.
Luckily, I finally made it to the Sprint store last night and they put the Treo into triage and were able to perform LCD screen replacement surgery. It was fine. Does Hallmark make cards for this kind of happiness?
Hannah and I celebrated with a trip to DSW for some fab shoes and the "Blades of Glory" movie. (Review: it was so stupid that I laughed for almost the entire 90 minutes)