I helped organize a Solo Practioner event last night at the Courtyard Marriott for PRSA Detroit. It was our first partnership with BPRS, the Black PR Society. There sure are some wonderful people in this town. Had a chance to chat with some good friends who I haven't seen in awhile. I got involved with PRSA when I was still at CMU and have been a member now for nearly 25 years. (Man I'm old!) You join these groups because it seems like the right thing to do, but that organization has been so much more than that. They've been a lifeline when I've ever had a question, needed a job, or simply wanted to laugh with someone who understands this weird, weird world.
Keep Nancy Skidmore's husband, Jerry, in your prayers. He is recovering from open heart surgery.
Went to Mandarin class with Hannah after the meeting. I sure have a lot to learn before we leave in June. Hannah seems to be picking it up a lot more than me, especially the tones you need to use to differentiate each word.